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Choosing the right robe

Choosing the right robe

21st Apr 2020

It's not always easy to choose the perfect robe! First you need to decide what material you want for your robe - do you want a nice, fluffy and light 100% polyester robe, do you want a light-weight waffle or 100% cotton robe, or maybe you want a heavy cotton terry toweling robe?

The word "velour" often throws people when relating to cotton bath robes. Lots of our  Baksana robes have a velour shell (like a nice fluffy beach towel), and toweling interior - but they are still 100% cotton, this is simply because the Cotton is treated in a different fashion on each side, that way you get the best of both worlds- a nice fluffy outer, and toweling on the inside - so you can chuck it on after a shower or spa if you want to!

When looking at the sizing of robes, if you choose a women's or men's robe, they will be more fitted than buying a " unisex robe" which are often one size fits most. The size guide for ladies- size 8-10 is usually a S/M, size 12-14 is a M/L and 14-18 is a L/XL, for Men's robe sizing, you would choose the same size the man takes in t-shirts etc.- so if he is a Large in t-shirts, go for a Large sized robe.

Robes / Bath Robes / Dressing Gowns (whatever you like to call them) also make a wonderful gift idea for BirthdaysAnniversaries, or special occasions like Mother's Day or Father's Day, it's that one thing that people never seem to purchase for themselves! At queenb we can also personalize the robe with embroidery, a really neat idea we just did for someone, was putting their wedding anniversary date on the top cuff of the robe - meaning it was not too "in-your-face" for the recipient, but was just a nice reminder of a special day!

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