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Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs!

Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs!

18th Jun 2021

Do you have bed bugs? Are you sure? 

It's always worth a reminder checking to see that you are free from bed bugs, and also to get proactive so as to prevent your home being invaded by these little critters. They are a problem you don’t really think about, until you have them! So we recommend being proactive by putting a bed bug protector on all your mattresses and bases before they invade. 


Are you already beginning to itch?

Or have they already taken hold of your home? Once they are in your home they live everywhere, not just on your bed! They live behind and in between headboards and behind artworks, you need to fully clean and wipe behind and around all these accessories, you may also need to get an exterminator in.


Bed bugs survive by eating your skin and blood (eww). If you do have them, we have the solution! Cut off their food supply! We sell the bed bug protectors, for mattresses and bases. These are really amazing, the bugs can’t get in or out of the bed, they are sealed in by the patented zip closure! Then cover it with a quilted or waterproof protector over the top until the bugs are dead, or they will try and bite you through the mesh. No skin and blood means bye-bye bed bugs.

Bug Lock


How to minimise bringing bed bugs into your home?

When staying at an overseas or local hotel/motel / Airbnb, you should always check/do the following:


  1. Rip off the sheet and look under the mattress protector to make sure there are no bed bugs.
  2. When you come home from a trip, you should leave all suitcases, backpacks etc. in the garage, away from the bedrooms; bed bugs get into, and travel with you on your clothes and in your luggage.
  3. Most importantly, NEVER PUT YOUR LUGGAGE ON THE BED where you are staying. Leave it away from the bed, as you are less likely to get the bugs travelling home with you.


Bed bugs can happen to anyone, and even the cleanest of establishments can get them, if the guest before you had them (even at an upmarket hotel) then chances are you will catch them.


Bed Bug Protection Options

Bug Lock Protector for Mattresses and Bases by Protect-A-Bed

These are the simple but effective basic protection available to prevent bed bug infestations. You will need a separate protector for mattress and base. For a base, you will need to order enough washers to cover penetrations made for inserting legs or castors to prevent bugs from entering at that point.

Allerzip Smooth Sleep Surface Waterproof Fully Encased Mattress Protector by Protect-A-Bed

With the added benefit of also being a waterproof mattress protector, this option does it all to keep your mattress safe!

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